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As a Transcendentalist, artist & muse, I have spent the last 35 + years weaving healing & transformational energy.  I draw on my lifelong experience as a psychic, tarot reader, automatic writer and channeler for the divine. I have dedicated my life to helping people find their own paths to personal, spiritual and evolutionary growth. I believe that everyone has the power to craft their own magic, and I am here as a guiding light to help you do just that. From intuitive readings to transformative yoga and healing arts , I have the tools and knowledge to help you tap into the magic within yourself.


Meet Enchantress

My mission is to illuminate thee paths for all those seeking guidance, evolution & empowerment & to craft magic through all of my artistic creations, yoga, tarot, divination & healing arts.  Come join me on this journey of transformation & spiritual awakening. 


Enchantress is a distinguished professional with a comprehensive and diverse set of skills in holistic wellness and creative arts. She holds an impressive 200-hour certification in Yoga Instruction, complemented by a specialized 100-hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training, demonstrating her versatility and commitment to fostering physical and mental well-being across age groups. 


Her expertise extends to the spiritual realm, where she is a Certified Medium and Seance Conductor, adept at navigating and interpreting spiritual communications. Enchantress has also attained mastery in Reiki, having completed Reiki Level 1, 2, and Master Teacher Certification, showcasing her deep understanding and proficiency in this healing art.


Further enriching her skill set, Enchantress is an accredited Tarot Master, recognized for her intuitive tarot card reading abilities. Her commitment to holistic healing is further evidenced by her certification in Art Therapy for Chakra Healing, where she utilizes artistic expression as a therapeutic tool for energy balancing.


In addition to these qualifications, Enchantress is an expert in Stretch Bodywork, trained in Massage Therapy and various methods of Stretch Therapy, which underscores her comprehensive approach to physical health and wellness.


Beyond her wellness expertise, Enchantress is a dynamic online personality, making significant strides as a YouTuber and Blogger. Her talents as a Freelance Content Writer, Artist, Poet, Writer, and Author not only highlight her creative prowess but also her ability to engage and inspire a wide audience through multiple platforms.


Enchantress's diverse qualifications and skills make her a unique and valuable contributor to the fields of wellness, spirituality, and creative arts & there is only more to grow. 


I am dedicated to unlocking the magic inside you! I’ll guide you on a life-changing journey toward self-discovery, empowerment, and alignment. It’s our mission to ignite the spark within you, unlocking and revealing the secrets of your innerverse, and aligning you to your destiny. Our sacred processes, including meditation, alternative healing methods, and guidance, are designed to create profound changes in your life.

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